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Teacher and Clear Channel of Quantum Wisdom, Marissa Remy

The quantum world encompasses the realm beyond our worldly senses. This is where our mindset, emotions, and soul desires come from. Whether we are aware of it or not, we rely on the quantum realm to survive in this world, yet we have ZERO training in this.

Marissa is passionate about sharing empowering messages and the healing frequency thats possible through connecting with the quantum realm.

Connecting to the quantum realm can help us feel grounded and always connected to our soul power.

Marissa offers quantum classes, guided meditations, courses, and books all of which are filled with quantum wisdom, scientifically proven ancient ritual practices, and empowering divine frequencies.

Stay connected to your higher self 100% of the time

Livestream Classes | Conscious Community | Private Healing Sessions & Mentorship

Take the guesswork out of your evolution

Don't wait any longer! Let's make your evolution light, enjoyable, and exponential

  • Know exactly which practices will support you and how to use them to feel grounded, connected, and empowered every day

  • Get the guidance, accountability and privacy you need to refresh your soul and empower your life

  • start living as your highest self: get personalized & professional guidance on your soul journey

FREE Empowerment Training + Guided Quantum Practice

Are you ready to step into your POWER as a woman, elevate your vibration, and feel stable, secure, and confident in yourself?




Learning nervous system regulation has been HUGE for me. Additionally I now love meditation and it brings me so much inner calm and inner strength. It's really a gift that keeps on giving. I never thought I'd be someone who enjoys sitting still. I used to be so hard on myself and rarely let myself truly rest. My sleep has really improved, too. If you're feeling called to heal, go for it! Devotion to inner healing is the most expansive thing you can do for yourself. And if you want to be able to give to others (whether that be time, work, etc.) healing only helps with this. Fill up your own cup so you can pour into others.



I was in a really bad spot mentally and emotionally. I felt like everything was crashing down on me and had no support. Since working together, I have made massive shifts in my emotional health and in my relationships. I have learned to navigate my emotions and thoughts through the lens of my higher self and have compassion for myself. My relationships, especially with myself, have improved so much and I have gotten clarity on how to navigate them in my healing journey. If you’re on the fence about it, you are not alone. I felt the same way in the beginning and was worried read more



The biggest thing is living with integrity within myself. It was the first time I ever was honest about an ongoing eating disorder. And Marissa made me feel so seen, supported and like there wasn’t a big bad scary thing wrong with me. She’s continued this warmth in the HEAL container and is allowing us to feel more empowered and comfortable within ourselves than ever before. Healing of an eating disorder & opening up to a larger group of women about it was MASSIVE.



I’ve been committed to my own healing journey for several years now. I’ve worked with other coaches, I meditate daily, read books and have made it a priority in my life. Then there came a point where as much as I was doing, I felt like I hit a wall and was stuck. Even after all I had taught myself, I realized I needed an expert and some outside perspective to continue healing and improving my life. Now, I am able to truly see who I am as a person and live my life and make decisions that are so align read more

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© Copyright 2022 - Marissa Remy | All rights reserved

Disclaimer: Marissa is a professionally licensed spiritual coach, and does not claim to be a medical doctor. All services & products are for the soul who's 100% committed to their evolution, there are no refunds, returns or exchanges.